Sep 30Liked by Ana Kasparian

We all evolve over time and gain wisdom by talking to all sorts of people, especially those who have had a different upbringing.. We can still disagree on things but I see no harm in having a civilized conversation about conflicting topics. I wish you lots of luck in this new endeavor Ana!! I signed up for a month and see where this leads. Cheers!

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It would be great if this were true, but the people you speak of don't really want a conversation.

That especially applies to anyone pushing the "trans" lie. Any pushback to them is a defeat because this is a language game. To not use their words means they have lost.

Unfortunately, you cannot support the "transgender community" because it does not exist.

You are speaking about men who are skin-suiting what it means to be a woman. They do not tolerate any dissent, at all, when it comes to language.

It is fundamentally a language game.

So, if you think a mentally ill man in a dress is a woman (what's a woman? nothing!) then you have to be called a uterus haver or birthing person.

They will accept nothing else.

This is why we have to say "trans" does not exist. This is untreated mental illness. Nothing more.

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I feel like you’ve never seen interviews with the guys who were hard-core white supremacists who completely had their minds changed about race and now are social activists fighting racism?

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The entire media-government-academia apparatus is against "racism" so it's very easy to change your mind and make money off it, like someone like Christian Picciolini for example.

The reverse is true for "trans." The entire media-government-academia apparatus backs that lie, and that's why they use every tool available to them to shut down any criticism and force this onto everyone.

Netflix pushes this every chance they get. Shows on HBO. College courses and their speech codes. Every mainstream corporation, business, and all social media platforms. Every book that comes out now.

Women who oppose this literally get attacked in the street, shouted down, bullied, and fired. And the men paint themselves as victims, totally disconnected from reality. Watch the most recent documentary on Netflix with Will Ferrell and his crossdressing old man friend.

This only persists because they can force the language. If Ana is allowed to say "I'm a woman, and I won't use these made up words," then they've lost. The entire power structure in this country is geared towards this, and they won't tolerate it.

That has no parallels to "racism," which is not literally pushed at every level of society. In fact, the opposite is true. Everybody should remember the twerking BLM mobs that were allowed to burn down cities while the police were on their knees, during COVID when restaurants and schools were closed.

So, that analogy makes absolutely no sense.

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My point was just that; some people can change with the right conversation(s).

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Sure, it’s a different cause but the idea is the same

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The idea is absolutely not the same.

This shows you don't really know what is going on.

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Oct 1Liked by Ana Kasparian

“I am not altogether on anybody’s side, because nobody is altogether on my side, if you understand me" - Treebeard

The first time I read those words I couldn't understand how much I would come to relate to them...

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Oct 1Liked by Ana Kasparian

I couldn’t agree with you more. I had a similar evolution and no longer refer to myself as a democrat but rather an independent. I feel like it lets me be free of ideology. I like that TYT has been making a great effort to talk to people that see things differently. I am a firm believer that if we can understand people better, the world will be a better place.

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Sep 30Liked by Ana Kasparian

Right-leaning Florida lady here, and OG follower of yours on TYT. Always a fan of your work and commentary even when I've disagreed. Honored to support you and join this community! Go Ana Go!!!!

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So glad to see you here Ana. I 100% agree with your tweet. But I will go further and say that the perjorative "cis" is offensive and meant to"other" natural women and men.

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I'll go even further and say that "gender-affirming care for minors" is the greatest medical scandal in our nation's history. I wish you would read & cover the WPATH Files and the Cass Review.

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Agree 100%. Abi Shrier’s “Irreversible Damage” and Hannah Barnes’ “ Time to Think” should be read by anyone supporting transing children.

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The label cis explicitly means we all have a gender identity, and this gender identity takes priority over biological sex. It has already ceded all the ground.

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Funny, you blocked me on Twitter for politely warning you about this.

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Congrats on your new Substack, Ana! Very happy to subscribe and get your perspectives in this new forum.

I’m glad to see that so far the comments here are positive overall. I don’t always agree with your takes — as you and Cenk say, if you agree way with every single thing a media personality says, you’re probably in a cult and not thinking for yourself. I greatly admire your openness, passion, and pursuit of the truth. And I think even people who disagree on certain issues should realize you’re an honest actor, and those are hard to come by these days.

People should realize that in life in general, if you never change your opinion on anything, you’re doing it wrong. Facts and life experiences shouldn’t be rejected if they don’t neatly fit into your beliefs, they should inform your beliefs and help you evolve.

Looking forward to your articles on Substack!

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Hey Ana, welcome!

I've followed your work mostly through Sean, admittedly (AJW), though I don't really spend time on YT these days. It's great to see when people are open to discussions and havin' a proper yarn, as opposed to back-and-forth logical fallacy tennis matches.

You'll probably come across some doofuses on here—in which case the block and mute functions might come in handy.

Good luck, stay safe, and be well!

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I am so sorry that you were sexually assaulted! Such violence shatters one's soul and sense of everything. My heart aches for you and is with you. ❤️💔❤️

(Horrible transition, I apologize.) How exciting that you are on Substack, I look forward to hearing more from you! Just this weekend I was thinking about how it's fun to see my TYT friends (and Cenk) at the Town Halls and wishing there was a way to hear more from you, whom I respect and believe has a lot to offer. Wish granted--thank you! 🧞‍♀️🎱😂

(PS I don't know if you remember, but my story and picture with my son, Kurt, was on Team Joy a few weeks back, and I just wanted to thank you for your kind words. 🥹❤️🥰)

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Welcome to Salty Stack! 😍🥰

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Let’s Go Salt Queen 🩷🩷🩷 I’m here for it. Discussion leads to Understanding & at the very least Empathy.

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Bravo Ana! So looking forward to watching Unaligned grow into a potent force for truth and beauty, sanity and connection, no more othering and much more bridging in the world.

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You cannot support the "transgender community" because it does not exist.

You are speaking about men who are skin-suiting what it means to be a woman. They do not tolerate any dissent, at all, when it comes to language.

It is fundamentally a language game.

So, if you think a mentally ill man in a dress is a woman (what's a woman? nothing!) then you have to be called a uterus haver or birthing person.

They will accept nothing else.

This is why we have to say "trans" does not exist. This is untreated mental illness. Nothing more.

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Amazing! I cannot wait to see all the beautiful work you do here! 🙏🏽❤️

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I’m soooo hungry for this too and I have utmost respect for your professional & personal experiences. This world needs this kind of dialogue. Thank you.

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Amazing Ana, loving your journey of seeking truth, I believe you will find that light at the end of the tunnel.

"You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you." - C.S. Lewis

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