This is the kind of person we need for president of this country. I am really impressed by this lady. I’ll be 89 on Christmas Day and consider myself a pretty good judge of character. Good luck to you ma’am.

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Anyone who thinks they can control, manipulate or bully Ana Kasparian are apparently unfamiliar with Ana Kasparian. In this time of political upheaval, some people are discovering their core values and become unshakeable in their beliefs, while others who face this test are found... wanting.

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Hang in there, Ana. The outrage merchants will exploit your name and image for a while to attract attention to their channels, probably with limited and only temorary success. I'm a traditional Republican who has followed TYT since its early days, because I look for a wide range of views and information from people whom I think have integrity. I'm not looking a consistent flavor from the same source as if it were a bottle of Johnny Walker Black. I would rather have an expression of your best every time rather than a commitment to deliver what the customer expects. The fact that you and Cenk don't always agree with each other, and have each sometimes changed your views over time on some subjects as events have unfolded and new information has come to light, is interesting and reassuring to me. You have my admiration and resp[ect. I will continue to follow TYT and I have subscribed to Unaligned.

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Much respect, Arnold. Thank you for keeping an open mind, especially through all the years!

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You’re doing the right thing. You’re never going to appease these people. They’re primed to react negatively against every decision you make. Having common sense values that uplifts the MAJORITY of people is a message that has to be spread across different audiences.

Extremist left wing rhetoric indulgence that turns people off isn’t going to make people more permeable to your policy takes and prescriptions that are otherwise helpful. Trying to build a rapport with some of these right wing audiences (aka being a “right winger”) is just makes sense. People aren’t going to take you seriously if you just live in a niche bubble. Sometimes that includes extending the opposition the benefit of the doubt, even if they don’t always deserve it, but that’s where the hearts and minds of the people are, it’s just tactical conveyance.

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These folks you call "far left" aren't even left, for me. They don't talk about health insurance, they barely talk about wealth disparity, they don't talk about the prison-industrial complex, and they seem to like war quite a lot. They're aggressively status quo in so many ways.

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They’re also multi-millionaires that sit behind a camera either in a studio they rent out of a residential building or their home, talking about issues relating to immigration influx and crime, but happen to be completely insulated from even having to look at any of it in their rich, affluent neighborhoods and gated communities. Yet they want to morally mandate how others should be viewing these issues.

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I'm not remotely a leftist and I totally agree. The identitarians are basically progressives who are in control of the party who are using morality tests to try to control the entire party. They grasp it so hard it squelches out between their fingers.

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Ana, you are my spirit animal! My husband regularly asks, “Who are you and Ana pissed at today?” 🤣 all brevity aside, because I found you on TYT, my convictions have been solidified, my logic in good faith debates is sounder, and I am more confident as I engage in those often heated debates. You are my shero

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🥹❤️ thank you!

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I watched the interview a couple days ago, and i thought you guys were both very respectful, thoughtful, and honest. At this point, our political parties are essentially meaningless. We should split into two new groups: the reasonable and the rest.

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Ana, I don't know if you have read this piece by Ethan Strauss about what he calls "criticism capture", but I think you would enjoy it. I re-read it recently, and plan to revisit it every so often so I don't forget the wisdom.


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This was a great piece! Thank you, Sarah!

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Honestly, the Glenn Beck interview you did was very boring and didn't achieve anything in terms of the discussion about how the right wing have evolved since Glenn Beck has been a public figure, as well as the evolution of left wing politics in America. There was no callouts or pushback against anything that he stands for and the values and goals of right-wingers that are extremely damaging to majority of Americans. This article does a better job of outlining your values but you didn't speak passionately about the glaring problematic policies and stunts that right wing politicians and public figures are continuing to push for, and instead focused on just the parts where you seemingly agree with Glenn Beck on. It's not a productive or in any way progressive strategy to employ if you want to see left-leaning policies be highlighted and pushed to win in the arenas where it truly matters. What you are doing is instead normalising the bad that the right wing does by not calling it out, and then we get to a place where Roe v Wade is overturned. If you are truly on the left, you need to fight way harder for the values you claim you are so passionate about and not be afraid to step on right wingers' toes.

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I think her angle was more to sell her message than to challenge his. Which is also a legitimate strategy. Not all tactics or approaches need to involve friction or adversarial approach.

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True. And the adversarial approach is less about making the case for policy and more about personal marketing/harvesting promotional soundbites of "owning" the other side.

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Right, there's very rarely a clear "winner". That's not the point. Just pick the best ideas

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I really like the title of this piece. Thank you Ana for staying strong and true to yourself.

The list of positions you gave is something I agree with almost entirely. And I bet most of the "identitarian" left (which I sometimes think of as the "holier than thou" left, lol) would too if they're being honest.

In places where they do differ from the positions you listed, or think you don't go far enough, they're either 1) really bad at strategy since instead of looking for common ground, they're attacking people who agree 90% with them, or 2) they just like tearing people down for sh*ts and giggles (and to get street cred on Twitter).

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There is the far left, then there are supposed far left influencers. I dont even think many of the leftwing influencers are far left. I think theyve been captured by their audience, and seek controversy as a means for getting views. Mentioning you Ana, is just a way for them to try and capture your viewers. I wont mention any names, but several people who used to be on TYT i dont think genuinely believe in a left wing cause. You can tell by observing whether they are really hanging out with "the far left". What you are doing is genuine Ana, and thats why youve made it this far in your career. People will watch you if they believe what youre doing is real. Thank you for your perspectives.

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I loved your conversation with Glenn Beck. He's always struck me as a very decent person, even when I have disagreed with his views. This is the kind of open dialog we need more of in this country and in the world. Getting out of our information silos, getting past our confirmation biases, listening openly to people who see things differently. Good work!

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Ana, this was amazing.

I've been, for the reason being that I believe in you, defending you, and in turn, TYT & Cenk, in left spaces and I swear I have spent the last THREE WEEKS watching this stupid one-sided persecution drama happen, and I'm like, "how in the world are y'all getting this from Ana & Cenk for having different opinions" .

Specifically though, the vitriol I have seen spilled toward you has been disgusting. Actually, this is what I said in another space, cause it's been *ridiculous* and my hands don't work anymore so I am just gunna copy-pasta it, my apologies for the horrific formatting.

This is a response to somebody in a space for David Pakman stating that TYT is "leaning right" and they linked that dumb video which I have REFUSED to watch on general principle of not believing in following interpersonal drama:

"If you don't consider Cenk & Ana left wing, and you consider Dpak left wing, then you're literally ignoring Dpak's latest video where he said, (paraphrasing his quote), "in no world is Cenk considered right-wing". Cenk & Ana have been fighting for progressive change forever, and to try to tell people otherwise is dishonesty.

(regarding Emma & Sam Sedar who I do watch, b/c I consume all forms of media)

Emma has been going off on Ana, as has Sam w/Cenk, and Emma's probably dealing w/her own sadness for whatever reason and let people grieve, but to state that you aren't going to watch TYT and not give me a good reason, but you'll post a video where *other people* have interpersonal relationship drama w/them, and use THAT as your base, well, that's insane and also dumb.

People keep consuming this streamer drama media and it's literally dumb AF.

Cenk & Ana are probably running on pure adrenaline and cortisol, and if Ana *does* "go right", well, y'all were mean AF to her, and followed this streamer drama and encouraged it. You're gunna tell me you're shocked that your pushing and snide remarks made somebody leave a group? Are you kidding?

Let people have their opinions but don't be surprised when your opinions that are negative based push people one way or another."

And then, Ana, I'll leave this last piece that I said here, b/c it's super important and I *finally* was able to get out what I've been trying to articulate FOREVER, but it's hard to "say the perfect thing", but this is it, also, copied from same space and altered for clarity:

"The left claims inclusiveness but when push comes to shove, and somebody deviates with their opinion, and then the side that they've been fighting for their *entire life* vilifies them for that difference, the right sees that and says "SEE! Told you the left lies and is mean! I want no part in a culture like that!", and then the left acts surprised when people are like, GFY.

Saying things like "Fk TYT" does a disservice to your [the left's] entire movement, and, it's the least substantial critique on the planet, it is middle school level behavior and critique.

Let people live, allow people to hold their own opinions, and listen to the other side."

So, that's how I've been dealing with it, and to be honest, it's super annoying that instead of talking about REAL ISSUES, we're talking about interpersonal drama.

IDK if you listen to Taylor Swift, but I think you should listen to this one song, if you haven't, called "But Daddy I Love Him", b/c I think that you would sincerely love Taylor's emotions & would resonate w/it. (Her entire TTPD album is perf, btw).

Like, I know, Ana, that you don't like Vaush too much b/c he's been rude toward you, or that you have expressed annoyance, I'd honestly feel the same fkn way if people were saying things about me, but, for *me the viewer* to decide to not watch either TYT or Vaush based off either of y'alls opinion is insane and does a disservice to my own curiosity and learning.

I was watching Luke Beasely and Isabella talk, and I *really* like that Luke has done what he has done b/c it's *good* to see people *talking* and disagreeing but still not screaming til they're blue in the face. It's humanizing and it's good to listen to people we disagree with.

Anyway, Ana, I've been saying it forever, you're my political hero FORREAL, and I don't doubt in the progressive cause and I also don't doubt TYT b/c hello, TYT is TOO STRONG!! (or at least, the progressive winds of change are, and you don't need to be a leftest to be a progressive).

Keep it up Ana, stay positive, you're a strong MOFO and you deserve recognition that is positive, and if I have to see this shitty drama everywhere, well goddamn, I'm going to try to shut it down b/c it's annoying, it doesn't help, and at the end of the day, I find it to be just bullying, straight out. I will legit shut drama down b/c it's annoying and frankly, it's annoying when people shame others for liking something or having an opinion or are just *so mean* that they can't see their own hypocrisy.

Anyway, I know this is a mess, sorry, lol!

Peace to you!!!

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Awakening occurs when you recognize propaganda and manipulation. Take the red pill. Nobody is 100% right all the time, sane rational people just want that acknowledgment instead of hypocrisy. I don’t think we will ever be able to trust either Party completely, but voices such as Ana's (which appear to be getting louder) keep both sides in check. That is probably the best we can hope for as a nation.

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Ana, thank you for this thoughtful and courageous piece. Your willingness to engage with figures like Glenn Beck while holding firm to your progressive values is an inspiring example of demonstrating the change you want to see in the world. By showing that disagreement doesn’t have to mean division, and that dialogue can lead to understanding, you’re modeling the kind of bridge-building that’s desperately needed in today’s polarized climate.

While engaging across ideological divides can expand understanding, how do you balance this opportunity with the risk of inadvertently legitimizing platforms that have contributed to harmful rhetoric?

Independent media spaces themselves often face challenges with performative regulation and purity tests. Creators and audiences alike fall into patterns of policing authenticity and avoiding nuanced discourse. You model the kind of open, inclusive dialogue you advocate for. How do you not succumb to the same pressures?

Thank you again for your openness and thought leadership. It’s a reminder of Timothy Snyder’s call to “stand out” by resisting groupthink and fostering courage in the face of criticism.

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One of the media personalities that my mom trusted most before she passed was Glenn Beck. She was pretty loyal to him the whole time.

You, frankly, are the one I trust most, because I know that if/when you mess up, you’ll correct yourself with genuine humility, and you’re open to the nuances in differing opinions.

Seeing the two of you, together, having this candid and friendly dialogue gave me hope for this populist coalition. Sure, we need people like Cenk, but your personality and your warmth is SO needed to open hearts and minds and bridge certain gaps.

Your diligent dedication to the mission of bringing this country together on common ground is truly a joy to be witnessing.

Thank you Ana. I appreciate, so much, that you are in this world doing what you do.

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